New Book – Guido Baggio, “La mente bio-sociale. Filosofia e psicologia in G.H. Mead”, ETS, Pisa 2015

New Book – Guido Baggio, “La mente bio-sociale. Filosofia e psicologia in G.H. Mead”, ETS, Pisa 2015

We are happy to announce the new book of Guido Baggio, “La mente bio-sociale. Filosofia e psicologia in G.H. Mead”, ETS, Pisa 2015

Baggio_La mente bio-socialeAmong the major theorists, along with his friend and colleague John Dewey, the functionalism of the Chicago School, George Herbert Mead (1863-1931) is one of the most original of American pragmatism. He offered a decisive contribution to the emergence of social psychology, developing a bio-social theory the human mind which, intertwining the psychological research on the processes of perception and social interaction with the theory of linguistic gesture of Wundt, has shifted the focus from the paradigm of consciousness to that of language. His reflections on the relationship between perception, manipulative skills and gestural interaction anticipated and partly influenced the latest discoveries in neuroscience, fostering a revival of interest in him in the context of theories of mind and language. Preview